Fascia Controllers
Tam Valley - Fascia Controller Red/Grn
This fully assembled and ready to use controller mounts on the fascia or control panel. Use for manual throwing of your switches and also provides feedback on servo position when used with DCC/signals.
more info on Fascia Controller Red/Grn...This item is in Stock and available for dispatch

Tam Valley - 4x Fascia Controller Grn/Grn
Only 1 remaining in stock
Tam Valley - In-Line Reverser for Fascia Controller
You have the servo all lines up and then you find the fascia controller colors are reversed. You can use this handy board to reverse the colors.
more info on In-Line Reverser for Fascia Controller...This item is in Stock and available for dispatch

Tam Valley - Xover Fascia Ctlr Kit
This version of the fascia controller is designed to be used on single and double crossovers. It has 3 red/green bicolor LEDs arranged to indicate straight through (top and bottom green) and crossover (middle LED green). It has 2 output cabless to... more ...
more info on Xover Fascia Ctlr Kit...This item is in Stock and available for dispatch