Command Stations
DCC Controller
The brand new ACE3 DCC Controller. A significant evolution of the ACE2, the ACE3 controller initially looks very similar to the ACE2, and it is meant to! However, one of the biggest initial differences you will see is that there are no pre printed... more ...
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Accessory Decoders
LED Controller Break out board
Upgrade the DAC22 to control relays, LEDs, Bulbs and more with this breakout board
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DAC 22 Accessory Decoder
The DAC22 is a modern upgrade of the highly successful and popular DAC20 accessory decoder.
It allows control of up to 8 point motors, or 16 “on/off” accessories (e.g. lights) on a DCC controlled model railway... more ...
more info on DAC 22 Accessory Decoder...This item is in Stock and available for dispatch
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IMP Digital Servo Controller
The IMP drives a model control servo between two pre-set positions, using either DCC commands or a remote switch. The unit may also be supplied from conventional DC power.
Operates on Digital Command Control (DCC) or conventional DC.
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8 Channel Servo/Scenery Animator
The MSC8 Scenery Animator brings scenery to life. Its 8 DCC controlled outputs can be used to provide many scenery animation effects using a motor, radio controlled servos and lighting outputs.
One output of the MSC8 can control one DC or AC motor.... more ...
more info on 8 Channel Servo/Scenery Animator...This item appears to not currently be in stock
This item is on back order with our suppliers
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Automatic Signal Controller
The SIGM20 is an automatic controller for eight signals. It sets the signal state automatically according to the state of the trackwork (e.g. points), other signals and block occupancy detectors. It does this automatically, without any other... more ...
Loconet - Compatible
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But is still available to order
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Turntable Indexer & Display
The TXC1 controls turntables from DCC or manual commands. It drives the turntable to a specific track exit, counting the exits automatically: this allows hands-off control. DCC control allows the turntable position to be set from a normal DCC throttle,... more ...
more info on Turntable Indexer & Display...Only 1 remaining in stock
Indexer Display Kit
Optional display board for the Turntable Indexer & Display providing a rotary control knob and a convenient way to mount the LEDs. The knob provides intuitive control for "turn clockwise" and "turn anticlockwise"; if the knob is pressed in, the turntable rotates 180°
more info on Indexer Display Kit...Only 1 remaining in stock
Loco Shuttle
The DSS1 "LocoShuttle" controls automatic train movements on a LocoNet controlled railway. It provides unattended train movements under automatic control, to create "background activity" or to create part of the operating sequence. It behaves like a... more ...
Loconet - Compatible
more info on Loco Shuttle...Only 1 remaining in stock
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