RR-CirKits - Accessories
Quik Link 1m Cable
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Quik Link 50cm Cable
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Quik Link 10cm Cable
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Fan Out Board A
This board is specifically designed to direct drive eight LED's from a single LNCP port. It includes on board locations for current limiting resistors and jumpers to select common anode or common cathode connections.
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Fan Out Board, Dual Direct
This board is specifically designed to terminate the dual cable, eight stall motor, connections from a single SMD-8 board.
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I/O Test
Input Output Test Board
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Isolator Board - 8 line
This board is specifically designed to isolate 12 volt DC voltages from the RR-CirKits logic level inputs. This allows connection of legacy (12V style) logic and drivers. This board may be used for voltage conversions in either direction. (12VDC -->... more ...
more info on Isolator Board - 8 line...This item is in Stock and available for dispatch
LCC LocoNet Gateway
LCC-LocoNet Gateway Message level gateway connects the LCC ® CAN bus and the Digitrax LocoNet. Dual RJ45 connectors for LCC ® CAN bus connections. Dual RJ12 connectors for the LocoNet. (stand alone LocoNet optional) Includes internal USB interface for... more ...
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LCC Repeater
Bit level repeater connects two LCC ® CAN bus segments. Quad RJ45 connectors for dual LCC ® CAN bus loop through connections. Includes a CAN bus data monitor LED for network trouble shooting. 2 LED display. Small package size. Just 2-1/2" x 3-1/2" x... more ...
more info on LCC Repeater...This item is in Stock and available for dispatch
LCC Power-Point
The LCC Power-Point ties together 2 LCC jacks, a Traffic Monitor, and a power supply. Create a powered LCC bus for simple wiring by powering your LCC Nodes over the cable. The LCC Power-Point supplies 1/2A to each LCC CAN Bus cable. (Terminator and CAN... more ...
more info on LCC Power-Point...Only 1 remaining in stock
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