N3IX - QuadLN Loconet Servo Driver
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QLNS - Versatile, programmable servo driver and Loconet decoder
The QuadLN_S LocoNet® Servo Decoder is the heart of the system and handles servo control, inputs, outputs and LocoNet® communications. Provides complete turnout control of up to 16 compact SG90 servos. Supports stall motors via optional Driver boards. Optional add-on boards for Detection and Signaling. Fully configurable using JMRI. Operates on a conventional LocoNet® with a command station or on a standalone LocoNet® that has no command station. Firmware updates performed using JMRI (Remote Align board required to initiate a firmware update).
Supports 8 Servos + 8 configurable input/outputs
Each input/output can be both an external input and a servo position indicator output at the same time.
Use pushbuttons, toggle switches or external logic from other boards as inputs.
2-position (turnout) and 3-position (semaphore, 3-way stub) servo control
Local inputs can be locked out via (key)switch or LocoNet command. Perfect for continuous running during open houses.
Turnout Position feedback reporting over LocoNet
Cascade feature allows aligning an entire yard ladder by throwing just one turnout.
8 Programmable routes for triggering Turnouts, Sensors and Signals
Locally adjust servo parameters using the Remote Align board or set them via JMRI.
Easily configured using JMRI
Separate Closed and Thrown speed settings for animation of features like a pile driver - slow going up but fast going down.
Oscillate mode for easy animation of features like pump heads or wig-wag signal arms.
Detector Board add-on for 4 channels of current detection with individual sensitivity adjustments.
Signal Board add-on for 24 LED outputs with realistic effects.
Field upgradeable firmware (requires Remote Align board and JMRI).
The QuadLN_S LocoNet® Servo Decoder is the heart of the system and handles servo control, inputs, outputs and LocoNet® communications. Provides complete turnout control of up to 16 compact SG90 servos. Supports stall motors via optional Driver boards. Optional add-on boards for Detection and Signaling. Fully configurable using JMRI. Operates on a conventional LocoNet® with a command station or on a standalone LocoNet® that has no command station. Firmware updates performed using JMRI (Remote Align board required to initiate a firmware update).
- Operate turnouts from your control panel, throttle, or JMRI.
- Supports up to 16 Servos per board with version 3 firmware.
- Now supports Stall Motors with version 3 firmware and new Driver board
- Supports 8 S
to confirm commands are received and acted upon.
Loconet - Compatible
Manufacturer : N3IX